
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stuff I Made: Necklace and Earrings

I spent all day yesterday crafting away! One of my favorite little know-hows is the pom-pom. It is incredibly versatile - you can use cotton, or fabric. You can use it for jewelry, a shirt or pillow embellishment, or a headband. I like Little Miss Momma's pom-pom tutorial the best of any I've read (and I've read a lot). I made both a headband and a necklace. The headband didn't photograph well...more about that in a minute.
I also ordered these vintage looking leaves from an etsy supplier. I want to make a matching necklace, but I don't really have any jewelry making knowledge so that is a challenge that I plan to conquer eventually!
So, there are different levels of blogginess. You can tell the good blogs from the bad because the good ones have really fun, colorful graphics and professional looking photographs. The bad ones have headers that have what look like hand drawn pictures that were scanned in and either really bad pictures or no pictures at all. I think I have the cute graphics down, but unfortunately my pictures suck. I have a digital camera, but it is both crappy and packed away at this time. All of my pictures are taken on my phone and then edited in picnik. I dream of having a nice digital SLR so I can take my blog to the next level and be more like Pioneer Woman! If only they weren't so expensive!

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