
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Button Magnets & More Wall Art

Truth be told, I would have had a craft day whether it was a snowpocalpyse or not. Yesterday was fun and relaxing, but today I needed to do something! So I did two different projects. First up, we have button magnets! This is hands down THE easiest DIY project ever. Supplies needed: variety of buttons and magnets. I got the adhesive backed magnets, but you could get just *magnets* and hot glue them to the buttons.
Seriously, that's all there is too it. Before, we had ridiculous Elvis magnets. Yeah, it was fun to change his little outfits, but our fridge looked hideous.
And now it's darling! Eventually, I would like to make more with different colors. But for now this will do.
The second project is a "why buy that when i can make it" project. I saw this cool felt wall decor on etsy. For my version, I used an old shirt and some thick white fabric that my grandma gave me. This project is also pretty easy, but it is tedious. First, I stretched the shirt over an embroidery hoop.
Next, I made 5 medium sized flowers and 3 big flowers out of the white fabric. This is the time consuming part because I had to trace each petal and cut them all out, then glue the bottom of each petal, THEN glue them all together. Probably 50% of the glue ended up on my fingers.
Lastly, I arranged the flowers in a cascade over one side of the hoop and hot glued them down.
It matches my bathroom perfectly! So I hung it above the towel rack. Ét, voila! C'est tres mignon, n'est pas?

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