
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sleeve/Gloves = Sloves

had such good intentions...then again, I always do. Recently, I was very excited about the prospect of acquiring a free sewing machine. They say to never look a gift horse in the mouth. I tried to just be grateful, really I did. At first, I was! That was before I tried to use said sewing machine. It's a beautiful antique from the 1930's, the kind that's in a table. The table has lovely cabriole legs and darling little slipper feet. And the sewing machine itself has very few things to change or adjust so it should have been quite simple. I invited Lexie over for a craft night. We made yummy Indian food for dinner and had plans to make these awesome sweater scarf things I saw on a blog. They were the perfect project for a beginner and they suited our taste just wonderfully. I had found a sweater for $2 at Value Village and cute cheap buttons at Walmart. We were set to go! And then we tried to use the sewing machine. It was a total bust. I think the sewing machine doesn't work, but Gabe just thinks it's a "user error". Either way, it didn't work out.

I had, however, seen another project I wanted to try, one that didn't require the part of the sweater we needed for the scarves: sloves! I folded the ends of the sleeves over like cuffs and cut the sleeves off of the sweater about midway down the arm. It was a man's sweater and the sleeves were WAY to big. So I cut them at the seam and took them in about an inch and a half. After I hand sewed them back up, I went ahead and used the buttons I bought for the scarf project and sewed them on the cuffs.

I think they are adorable and I have a friend who could totally pull them off. I, on the other hand, am not that trendy. Plus, I'm always in either work clothes or pajamas so I have no need for them.

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