
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Almost Fall Chicken (flavored) Soup

See, I just can't be bound by rules. And that's what a recipe is. When I cook, it's a creative expression. At least, that's my excuse for not being a good recipe-follower. Lunch time rolled around today and not much of anything sounded appetizing. Today was a chilly day, so soup seemed logical. I was too hungry to go through the process of looking online for a recipe and risking me not having all the ingredients. I made my own soup with ingredients I did have.
And here's the recipe!
1) Bring some water to a boil. Measure or don't measure. Toss in some delicious Jamison's chicken flavored soup base.
2) While that is stewing a bit, chop one carrot, some onion, and a handful of broccoli florets.
3) Add onions, carrots, and some noodles since those take longest to cook.
4) Toss in some parsley, thyme, and basil.
5) When everything seems almost cooked, add broccoli.

Yeah, I'm not great with the whole measurement thing. It tasted really good though. That Jamison's stuff is a godsend. I like having the chicken flavor without having to have chicken. So, if you try this recipe and it doesn't work out...I guess you are not as skilled at eyeballing ingredients ; )

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