This project is easy peasy AND it's ec0-friendly chic! All you need is:
1) an old tee
2) scissors
3) a coordinating button
4) a needle and thread
I used my awesome rotary cutter, but you can just use scissors to cut a 2" wide strip of tee shirt. Make sure the length is a little smaller than your head so that it will actually stay on!
Next, trace four almost-circles onto more tee shirt and cut that out. I used 1-5/8" circles for mine, but you can do bigger or smaller depending on how big you want your flower.
Sew along the straight bottom edge WITHOUT tying knots on either end.
Once you sew the length, pull both ends so that it becomes a flower. Then tie both ends of the thread together to hold the flower in place. After that, place the button on the center of the flower and sew them both to the band. All that's left is closing up the headband. TADA!!!! Finished. You have a cute new headband in no time!